Groton Road Race


WECT Member Ralph Swick KD1SM is looking for about 40 amateur radio operators for the Groton Road Race on Sunday April 10 from 9:15 AM to 3:00 PM (although times vary greatly by assignment).

WECT Member Ralph Swick KD1SM is looking for about 40 amateur radio operators for the Groton Road Race on Sunday April 10 from 9:15 AM to 3:00 PM (although times vary greatly by assignment).

Volunteers will need a 2M HT and battery power to last through the event. Lunches and drinks should be provided to volunteers, but it may be wise to bring these just in case. Some assignments may allow for volunteers to be near their vehicles, but not inside them. All volunteers should also be dressed appropriately for the weather that day.

This is a summary Ralph recently wrote in the Nashoba Valley ARC's newsletter:

If you're tired of this winter and looking forward to spring activities, allow me to turn your thoughts to the Groton Road Race. This race is one of the high-visibility events for Amateur Radio support. We typically field a crew of 35 to 40 radio operators to support this event.

This year the race is being held two weeks earlier than previous years -- the event organizers must be optimistic about a change of weather. I sure hope they've called this one correctly! Spring will be here by Sunday April 10 (think positively, think positively, think ...).

As you know from previous years our radio communications is held by the Groton Police Department to be a vital component of this event. Amateur Radio support of the Groton Road Race is one of the best public relations activities we can do for Amateur Radio locally.

I am again looking for 40 volunteers. Please let me know if you're available this year to help on April 10. If you have a preference for assignment, please let me know that as well.

The greatest number of operators are needed on station at 12:30 for the 10k race. If you are available to be on station at 11:30 for the 5k or 9:15 for race official shadows, parking, and other logistics, please let me know that too.

If you are interested in helping with this event, please contact Ralph KD1SM.
