Field Day 2024



  • Field Day will be on Saturday and Sunday, June 22 - 23, 2024.

  • Licensed amateur radio operators can sign up for our Field Day using the online signup form.  You do not need to be a member of WECT to participate in our Field Day. We are still in the planning stages, and will be making decisions based on the interest of participants (GOTA station, overnight operations, bonus points, etc.).

  • If you are a visitor without an amateur radio license, please visit between 3pm & 6pm Saturday or email @ so we may better accommodate you.

  • This year our Field Day will be coordinated by Lia Davis K1LIA, Valerie Moore KC1COQ, Cara Salter KC1KZT, and Hisham Al-Beik KB1JLW. We can be reached at @

  • We will being operating from the government building at 50 Officer Manny Familia Wy, Worcester, MA 01605

  • There will likely be an amateur radio exam session during the Field Day weekend. If you are interested in this please email @ and let us know if you'd like your exam.

  • All Field Day participants must agree to abide by the Event Rules on Worcester City Property.

  • Schedule


    10am-2pm: Setup antennas, radios, networking

    2pm-6pm: Radio operations (3-4pm: FCC License Exam)

    6pm-7pm: Group dinner

    7pm-8pm: WECT Elections

    8pm-12am: Radio operations


    12am-9am: Radio operations -continued

    9am-10am: Group breakfast

    10am-2pm: Radio operations

    2pm-3pm: Group lunch

    3pm-5pm: Tear down


  • Field Day Coordinators:
    • Valerie Moore KC1COQ
    • Lia Davis K1LIA
    • Cara Salter KC1KZT
    • Hisham Al-Beik KB1JLW
  • Setup:
    • Lia Davis K1LIA*
    • Eric Montague N7ECM*
    • Valerie Moore KC1COQ
    • Cara Salter KC1KZT
    • Hisham Al-Beik KB1JLW
    • Carthene McTague W1RIN
    • Amber Cronin KO6DEP
  • Radio Operations:
    • Valerie Moore KC1COQ
    • Lia Davis K1LIA
    • Cara Salter KC1KZT
    • Hisham Al-Beik KB1JLW
    • Carthene McTague W1RIN
    • Henry Atkinson KO6ANY
    • Kristine Cedron KM4WWA
    • Lyra Berry KC1EEK
    • Amber Cronin KO6DEP
  • Educational Activity:
    • Introduction to Satellite QSOs by K1LIA and KC1KZT
  • Food Tent:
    • Hisham Al-Beik KB1JLW*
  • Strike / Tear Down:
    • Valerie Moore KC1COQ*
    • Lia Davis K1LIA*
    • Eric Montague N7ECM*
    • Cara Salter KC1KZT
    • Hisham Al-Beik KB1JLW
    • Henry Atkinson KO6ANY
    • Lyra Berry KC1EEK
  • Computer Networking / Logging:
    • Lia Davis K1LIA
    • Cara Salter KC1KZT
  • Public Information Table & Tour Guide:
  • NTS Messages:
  • Emergency and Natural Power:
    • Satellite QSO:
      • Lia Davis K1LIA*
      • Cara Salter KC1KZT*
      • Valerie Moore KC1COQ
    • Media/Photography:
    • Safety Officer:
    • GOTA:
    • Amateur Radio Testing:

      * indicates activity leader

      What is Field Day?

      Field Day is a huge amateur radio event that performs a large scale test of the use of amateur radio as an emergency communications medium, with particular interest in group or team activity as well as in public relations. From its beginning in 1933 as an event to test the field preparedness and emergency communications abilities of the burgeoning amateur radio community, Field Day has evolved into the largest on-the-air amateur radio operation during the year.

      Team activities gain several advantages, including the ability to substitute operators by swapping them out in shifts, having back-up support to provide the radio operators with whatever they may need, and the pooling of material resources for the better of the team. It should be noted that in the event of an actual emergency event, all of these things would come into play, as teamwork is extremely important for efficient EOC operations. Teamwork also improves learning, as the more experienced radio operators work with newer, less experienced operators.

      The public relations side of Field Day is also very important. Field Day is a public demonstration on what amateur radio is and how it would come into play should an emergency event occur. It is a "show and tell" event in which the entire amateur radio community brings together its resources to show officials in government and various agencies as well as the general public what amateur radio can do. Information and guidance about how anyone can get involved and help out in these areas is also provided.

      Field Day is a very fun and exciting activity that has a serious side to it. For more information on Field Day, check out the ARRL Field Day packet . Check out the Photo Gallery from our many years of previous Field Day events to get a feel for the action!