Boston Marathon Amateur Radio Registration is Open


Volunteer registration for the 2011 Boston Marathon is now open!

Volunteer registration for the 2011 Boston Marathon is now open! The Marathon will be held on Monday April 18th.

Radio operators are needed to provide safety communications and to assist the Red Cross. Assignments are available in Hopkinton, along the route, and in downtown Boston. The marathon coordinators have told us there will be another couple of First Aid stations on the course this year, and another full medical station as well. This means they really need as many operators as possible this year.

Each year several members of both Worcester Emergency Communications Team and the WPI Wireless Association get together to carpool from the WPI campus in Worcester to the finish line area at Copley Plaza in Boston to work with the finish line crew. If you are interested in joining in on this carpool, contact John N2YHK.

To volunteer, go to the Marathon Amateur Radio Communications website and follow the instructions to register for the radio team. Please do not sign up directly on the BAA's volunteer website, your information will be sent to the BAA from the Marathon Amateur Radio Communications website when you register there.
