Field Day 2016 Summary


What a great Field Day!

What a great Field Day!  Photos from our Field Day are available on our Photo Gallery page.  The Field Day Info page has also been updated for historical purposes.

Some highlights:

  • NM1B set up the logging laptops and networking. This year we used the N3FJP logging software for a more modern feel, features and ease of use / setup.

  • NS1A and team made a couple contacts on amateur radio satellites, winning us that bonus.

  • KB1UOD gave a show and explanation for our education activity bonus on "How to Make a Wide Band Receive Antenna (50 - 2000 MHz)".  Plans for the antenna are available here.

  • We had a few visitors whom WK1H showed around and explained what we do and how we do it.

  • KB1WXC got us the NTS traffic bonus, the traffic to SM/SEC bonus, and the W1AW bulletin.

  • N7ECM deployed his 45' mast to hold up our 15m and 20m dipoles as well as our 6m beam with rotor. He also used his solar/battery combo to get us the natural power bonus.

  • WK1H, NM1B and NB1H published photos and news posts of our event to our Facebook page, earning us the social media bonus.

  • WK1H also manned the cook tent for Saturday night dinner and Sunday breakfast.

Thanks to everyone how was involved or visited our Field Day!
