Early Bird Field Day Sign-Up Raffle


Since it was such a success last year, we're going to run the early-bird Field Day sign-up raffle again this year!

Since it was such a success last year, we're going to run the early-bird Field Day sign-up raffle again this year!

Raffle Rules:

  • The raffle is completely free.
  • All participants whom have signed up for WECT's Field Day by end of day May 31 will be automatically enrolled in the raffle. This is the only way to enroll into the raffle.
  • Only amateur radio operators are eligible for the raffle. However, entrants do not need to be WECT members.  You do not need to be a WECT member to participate in our Field Day.
  • Winners will be chosen randomly and notified sometime during the day June 1.
  • Winners must notify the Field Day Event Coordinators of their selection of prize no later than end of day June 7 or forfeit their prize to another winner selected at random.
  • Winners must collect their prize at our Field Day event.
  • If a winner doesn't show up to our Field Day, they forfeit their prize to another winner selected at random.

First Place:
An ARRL Field Day 2016 T-Shirt in the size and color of the winner's choosing. They are available in either Chocolate Brown or Tan.

Second Place:
The winner's choice of either an ARRL Field Day 2016 hat or mug.

More details on our Field Day is available on our Field Day Info page or sign up using the online Field Day Signup Form.

Thanks and 73,
Brad Miller KB1TDP
Gil Hayes WK1H
WECT Field Day 2016 Event Coordinators

New England Season Opener Triathlon


WMA ARES Section Emergency Coordinator and WECT Member John Ruggiero N2YHK is looking for amateur radio assistance with the New England Season Opener Triathlon at the Hopkinton State Park on Sunday, May 15 from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

WMA ARES Section Emergency Coordinator and WECT Member John Ruggiero N2YHK is looking for amateur radio assistance with the New England Season Opener Triathlon at the Hopkinton State Park on Sunday, May 15 from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Assignments will vary but will generally include various checkpoints along the route, start and finish line, and shadowing the triathlon coordinators. Times involved with each of the assignments will vary as well. More details on the triathlons are available on the Max Performance website.

For more details on the amateur radio assignments or to sign up contact WECT Events, and let John know if you have UHF equipment with DCS / DPL when you sign up.

Grafton Gazebo 5 Mile Road Race


WECT Member Andy Garabedian KB1JRX is looking for about 6 - 8 amateur radio ops to assist with the Grafton Gazebo 5 Mile Road Race on Saturday, May 7 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

WECT Member Andy Garabedian KB1JRX is looking for about 6 - 8 amateur radio ops to assist with the Grafton Gazebo 5 Mile Road Race on Saturday, May 7 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Ops will need to have a dual band HT capable of DCS / DPL with enough battery power to last the event. Assignments will include checkpoints and water stops along the route, ambulance, and shadowing officials. This is a rain or shine event, so all volunteers must dress appropriately for the weather the day of the event.

For more information or to sign up, contact Andy KB1JRX, and let him know if you have a dual band HT capable of DCS / DPL.

General Meeting on May 11


The Worcester Emergency Communications Team will be meeting at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, May 11 in Meeting Room A at 50 Skyline Drive in Worcester.

The Worcester Emergency Communications Team will be meeting at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, May 11 in Meeting Room A at 50 Skyline Drive in Worcester.

The meeting will feature a presentation by Director of Worcester Emergency Management Rich Fiske on the city's new 800Mhz digital trunked radio system that is currently being placed into service, as well as the new dispatch center that is currently being constructed. The meeting is open to the general public so all are welcome to attend.

Additionally, we will hold nominations for WECT's executive board elections that will occur at a later meeting. The following positions are up for election this year:

  • President, currently held by Ben Holmes, NB1H
  • Treasurer, currently held by Matt Brennan, NM1B
  • Director, currently held by Rob Capizzio, KC2EMA
  • Director, currently held by Paul Poirier, AB1ES

If you are interested in any of these positions and would like to learn more about them, please let me know. If you would like to nominate someone or be nominated but cannot attend the meeting, let me know and I can make a nomination for you. Please note that only WECT members in good standing can vote or be nominated or elected to a WECT office.

Thanks and hope to see everyone,
Ben NB1H
President, WECT

SKYWARN Weather Spotter Training


At our team's request, the WX1BOX SKYWARN team will be giving a SKYWARN Weather Spotter training session here in Worcester.

At our team's request, the WX1BOX SKYWARN team will be giving a SKYWARN Weather Spotter training session here in Worcester. Given that it is sometimes a hassle for some WPIWA members to get up to Skyline Drive, we've worked with all involved to have it at WPI.

The SKYWARN Training will be on Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Higgins Lab, Room 116.

The session is free and is open to the public so anyone interested can attend. Anyone that hasn't been to this training within the last 5 years or so should probably retake it as a refresher as reporting criteria do change slightly over time.

IMPORTANT: Whether you are a WECT member or not, please pre-register using this sign-up form. We are expecting a decent turn-out and need to ensure that we have capacity. If you are not very familiar with WPI, reference the campus map for the exact location. We will also be monitoring WECT's 146.480 MHz Worcester repeater for talk-in and assistance.

Sutton Chain of Lights


The Sutton Chain of lights will be held again this year on the 5 December 2015.

The Sutton Chain of lights will be held again this year on the 5 December 2015. Most of you have worked it last year, and I am hoping will work it again this year. I am looking for operators to work this event. If you are available, and would like to contribute your communications knowledge to this event please let me know by e-mail. Looking forward to working with you. More info available at the Town of Sutton's website or on the Sutton Chain of Lights Facebook page.

District Emergency Coordinator, Western Massachusetts Section / Central Massachusetts

Ride to Defeat ALS


WECT is supporting the Ride to Defeat ALS on Sunday September 27 from 6 AM to around 3 PM (depending on assignment).

WECT is supporting the Ride to Defeat ALS on Sunday September 27 from 6 AM to around 3 PM (depending on assignment). This is a low key event with the primary focus being on charity rather than racing. The 70 mile bicycle course begins at the Longfellow club in Wayland and continues through several towns with rest stops in Hudson, Bolton, Acton, Concord, and Sudbury. Operators working at a course station can report directly to their station. Lunch is provided for operators in Wayland. Due to the large area covered, some stations will require a mobile radio.

If you are available, please respond to the @ and indicate if you have a station preference and if you have a mobile radio with 2M or 440 capability.

Amateur Radio Exam Session


The Worcester Area VE Team will be holding a special amateur radio test session for all license classes at Higgins Labs, Room 230, Worcester Polytechnic Institute on Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 6:30 PM.

The Worcester Area VE Team will be holding a special amateur radio test session for all license classes at Higgins Labs, Room 230, Worcester Polytechnic Institute on Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 6:30 PM. The session is open to the general public.

Please bring:
  • AN ORIGINAL AND A PHOTOCOPY of your current license and any CSCEs or other paperwork you are submitting
  • A basic calculator
  • Two forms of state acceptable ID (one must be a picture ID)
  • $15 exam fee (if check, payable to "ARRL VEC")
  • Pen or pencil

The photocopies of your paperwork are very important as we must submit a copy of your records to the ARRL VEC if you are successful.

If you have never registered with the FCC's ULS system and received a FRN number, please read the notice in the Read More link below.

We will try to provide a talk-in on the 145.310 / 449.025 W1WPI repeater. It is recommended that if you are not familiar with the WPI campus that you print out and bring with you the campus map.

Any questions regarding this session can be directed to @.


Some amateurs have been concerned over the FCC's requirement for your Social Security Number (SSN). The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, Public Law 104-134, requires all federal agencies to collect Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs) from all persons doing business with the agency. This includes all applicants and holders of FCC licenses. For an individual, your TIN is your SSN.

It is suggested that all applicants register in the FCC's Universal Licensing System to obtain an FCC Registration Number (FRN) prior to attending a VE session. When you register for an FRN, your SSN will not be disclosed to the public and it must be given only once. You may then use your FRN in place of your SSN on all future applications, including the Form 605 you will complete at the VE session. The Commission has taken several steps to ensure the privacy of your SSN. Electronic registration on the Internet is accomplished using the FCC's secure Web server.

To register for an FRN, go to http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls and click on REGISTER. Once you obtain your FRN, write it down and bring it with you to the VE session. Be sure to keep a record of your FRN and password for future use. If you do not register before the VE session, you will be required to provide your SSN on Form 605 at the VE session in order for your application to be processed.