SKYWARN Weather Spotter Training


At our team's request, the WX1BOX SKYWARN team will be giving a SKYWARN Weather Spotter training session here in Worcester.

At our team's request, the WX1BOX SKYWARN team will be giving a SKYWARN Weather Spotter training session here in Worcester. Given that it is sometimes a hassle for some WPIWA members to get up to Skyline Drive, we've worked with all involved to have it at WPI.

The SKYWARN Training will be on Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Higgins Lab, Room 116.

The session is free and is open to the public so anyone interested can attend. Anyone that hasn't been to this training within the last 5 years or so should probably retake it as a refresher as reporting criteria do change slightly over time.

IMPORTANT: Whether you are a WECT member or not, please pre-register using this sign-up form. We are expecting a decent turn-out and need to ensure that we have capacity. If you are not very familiar with WPI, reference the campus map for the exact location. We will also be monitoring WECT's 146.480 MHz Worcester repeater for talk-in and assistance.
