Harvest Triathlon June 9th 2024 Volunteer Event

 kc1coq    May 29 2024, 10:58


Max Performance Race Director Tim has asked if we'd be able to assist with the Wareham, MA triathlon, Sunday June 9th.

Max Performance Race Director Tim has asked if we'd be able to assist with the Wareham, MA triathlon, Sunday June 9th. We're trying to determine feasibility. They are particularly eager for our assistance given the poor cellular coverage on the bike course.

The event occurs from 7:30 am to about noon. Hams would need to meet at around 6:30 AM.

This is well outside our normal service area, but we did assist last year. We will make the decision about supporting the event early next week based on how many volunteers have signed up.

If you are interested, please fill out this short form: https://forms.gle/qB4TZKxFp7YCiMHw7

If you know anyone else who may be interested in volunteering, please forward this l to them.

More info online: www.maxperformanceonline.com

If you have any questions, please contact @

Signups Open for Field Day 2024

 k1lia    May 23 2024, 20:56


Signups are now open for participating in WECT's Field Day activation for 2024.

Signups are now open for participating in WECT's Field Day activation for 2024.
Sign up at the link below:

New England Season Opener Du/Triathlon 2024

 wk1h    May 06 2024, 14:47


We're looking for amateur radio assistance with the New England Season Opener Du/Triathlon on Saturday, May 19 from 8:00 AM to around 12:00 PM.

We're looking for amateur radio assistance with the New England Season Opener Du/Triathlon on Saturday, May 19 from 8:00 AM to around 12:00 PM.

Assignments will vary but will generally include various checkpoints along the route, start and finish line, and shadowing the triathlon coordinators. Times involved with each of the assignments will vary as well.  The event will be held at the Hopkinton State Park and includes a swim, bike and run that travels through Hopkinton, Southboro and Ashland.

More details on the triathlons are available on the Max Performance website.

For more details on the amateur radio assignments, contact WECT Events. To sign up to be an amateur radio volunteer, complete the online form.

May 8 2024 - WECT Volunteering Workshop

 kc1coq    Apr 24 2024, 21:07


Each year we are invited to assist a number of events with our knowledge and skills as amateur radio communicators.

Each year we are invited to assist a number of events with our knowledge and skills as amateur radio communicators. On May 8th 2024 at 8pm Eastern, WECT will be holding a virtual workshop to prepare for the events that WECT organizes.

This workshop is open to all, and is aimed at new hams or those looking to learn more, including technical aspects, communications skills, and event specific info. The workshop will include a “tabletop” exercise mock event giving participants the opportunity to practice topics discussed in the workshop.

Volunteering for these events is an opportunity to support our community with our unique abilities, while also allowing us the opportunity to test our equipment and skills in diverse environments.

We are also looking for experienced folks to join us to help facilitate the tabletop exercise.

Please RSVP at this link, if you are interested in joining, so we can plan accordingly: https://forms.gle/gBaMrLBdMJkt94sg9

WECT Volunteering Virtual Workshop
Wednesday, May 8 · 8:00 – 9:00pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/sdd-usmt-dkp

WECT Meeting January 2024: NN1C on Antennas

 kc1coq    Jan 23 2024, 21:37


There will be a WECT general meeting on January 31st 2024 where NN1C will present on antennas.

The WECT Q1 Meeting will take place on January 31st, 2024 at 7:00 PM at 50 Officer Manny Famillia Way (Skyline Drive) in Worcester, MA. We will be meeting in Meeting Room B. We will be talking about antennas! How they work, a bit on simulation, and some useful antennas for you. We'll talk about simple general antenna types at HF, and then how those basic elements get applied to arrays with more gain a VHF+UHF.

If you plan on attending, please fill out this form so we have an expected headcount.


Quarterly Meeting - Q4 2023

 kc1coq    Nov 15 2023, 20:55


WECT's next quarterly meeting is postponed and features an antenna presentation by NN1C.

The WECT Q4 Meeting will take place on December 27th, 2023 at 7:00 PM via Google Meet. This remote meeting will go over the things WECT did this year, and conclude with a discussion about membership interests, ideas, and plans for next year. Please fill out this form so we have an expected headcount. The Google Meet information is below.

WECT Q4 Meeting
Wednesday, December 27 · 7:00 – 8:00pm

The meeting originally posted here for December 6th has been rescheduled for January 31st 2024.

Sutton Chain of Lights - December 2nd 2023

 kc1coq    Nov 05 2023, 16:24


WECT is looking for volunteers for the Sutton Chain of Lights on December 2nd 2023

Craig Shea from the Sutton Chain of Lights is again requesting assistance with communications to coordinate the trolleys for their annual event. We're looking for about 10 amateur radio operators to ride the trolleys and help keep them on schedule moving people around between stops. For more information on the event and the trolley Stops this year click here.

We will meet at 08:30am on Sat 12/2/2023 in Sutton (location TBD - likely the Sutton High School). The event runs from 10:00am to 4:00pm, although the final trolley drop off may be as late as 5:00pm. If you are only available for part of the day, we can cycle you in and out as necessary.

If you are available to help out, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/iP4ZZ8igaJ2SUKNx8

New England Season Opener Du/Triathlon 2023

 wk1h    May 10 2023, 17:59


We're looking for amateur radio assistance with the New England Season Opener Du/Triathlon on Saturday, May 21 from 8:00 AM to around 12:00 PM.

We're looking for amateur radio assistance with the New England Season Opener Du/Triathlon on Saturday, May 21 from 8:00 AM to around 12:00 PM.

Assignments will vary but will generally include various checkpoints along the route, start and finish line, and shadowing the triathlon coordinators. Times involved with each of the assignments will vary as well.  The event will be held at the Hopkinton State Park and includes a swim, bike and run that travels through Hopkinton, Southboro and Ashland.

More details on the triathlons are available on the Max Performance website.

For more details on the amateur radio assignments, contact WECT Events. To sign up to be an amateur radio volunteer, complete the online form.