Tri-EPIC 2nd Annual Cops 'N' Kids Runway Car Show


Fellow Members,

Fellow Members,

I find myself in need of a few extra amateur radio operators. I'm involved with a regional Emergency Planning Committee called Tri-EPIC. We are having a "Show and Tell" on next Saturday (9/13). It will be combined with the Cops and Kids car show at Southbridge Municipal Airport.

Surrounding towns will be bringing their apparatus (trucks, trailers,etc), MEMA should be there as well. Being the communications aspect, they would like a operational radio set up showing how ham radio complements emergency operations.

I don't really have much to show off. I only have 2m equipment, which I'd be glad to set up. If you are available and have a hf radio, I think that would be a much better presentation. I'm not sure where we will be in the airport yet, so I'm not sure on power or trees. There is a meeting Tuesday morning if anyone willing to help out would like to attend. If I get some hands, we can do it kind of like a field day.

Please contact me if you would like to assist in this effort.

Alan R. Jeskey, KB1PWR
