July Exec Board and Membership Meetings


The WECT executive board will be meeting today at 7PM.

The WECT executive board will be meeting today at 7PM. The meeting will be held at WPI in the Campus Center Chairman's Room. Parking should be available along Salisbury St. The executive board is always looking for help from the membership planning public service events and team meetings. The Exec Board meetings are open to the entire WECT membership, so any team member interested in becoming more involved with the team is encouraged to attend.

The WECT General meeting will be held this Wednesday 7/30 at WPI in Kaven Hall Room 204. This building is adjacent to the large parking lot on Boynton St. During this meeting we will hold elections, so it is important that all team members make an effort to attend. There will be a separate email with information on elections.

Following elections, we will have some test equipment available for anyone wishing to "tune up" a radio or antenna. We will have two service monitors and an antenna analyzer available. Any other team member who has any test equipment available is welcome to bring it. The membership meeting is open to the general public although only WECT members can vote in the election cycle.

We will try to provide a talk-in on the 145.310 / 449.025 W1WPI repeater. It is recommended that if you are not familiar with the WPI campus that you review the campus map.

Ben NB1H
WECT President
