Quarterly Meeting on June 13


Hello Team,

Hello Team,

Difficulties securing a regular meeting location have resulted in a an altered meeting schedule this year. In order to get things back on track and prepare for Field Day and elections on June 22nd, the team will be meeting on June 13th at 7PM in the First Congregational Church at 1070 Pleasant St. in Worcester.

Since the team hasn't met as a whole in quite some time, this upcoming meeting will be a potluck, if possible please bring a food item to share with the team. (Please let me know if there is any equipment or facilities you require for this).

The major topics of this meeting will be:
  • Nominations
    • VP
    • Secretary
    • Two directors positions

  • Field Day
    • Location
    • Roles
    • Equipment

With regard to Field Day, we are currently looking for team members who would be willing to bring their equipment to the site (Radios, Computers, etc.) as well as people who would like to be responsible for some role that day (setup, cooking, one of the radio stations, PR, etc.). If you are interested in any role in particular, or do not know which role you would like to fill, please contact me.

The upcoming meeting marks the 10th anniversary of the team, with our potluck dinner as the celebration!

Rob Capizzio
WECT President
