Team Members Ralph Swick KD1SM is looking for 30 to 40 amateur radio operators for the Groton Road Race on Sunday April 29 from 9:15 AM to 3:00 PM (although times vary greatly by assignment).
Team Members
Ralph Swick KD1SM is looking for 30 to 40 amateur radio operators for the
Groton Road Race on
Sunday April 29 from 9:15 AM to 3:00 PM (although times vary greatly by assignment).
Volunteers will need a 2M HT and battery power to last through the event. Lunches and drinks should be provided to volunteers, but it may be wise to bring these just in case. Some assignments may allow for volunteers to be near their vehicles, but not inside them. All volunteers should also be dressed appropriately for the weather that day.
Ralph\'s description of the event:
\"The 2012 Groton Road Race is fast approaching; this race this year is scheduled for Sunday April 29 -- five weeks from today.
The Squannacook River Runners and the Groton Police Department rely on the support of Amateur Radio operators to help keep this event safe for everyone. This is one of our premier activities for gaining community visibility. Despite the visibility this is a fairly easy event for us; we get to watch a thousand or more runners do their thing. Many will take the time to shout words of thanks to us as they pass.
It takes 30 to 40 radio operators to shadow the event officials and fill all the stations around the 10k course in the afternoon. The 5k course in the morning overlaps with the parking stations so we don\'t get away with very many fewer in the morning.
I hope you\'ll be able to join us this year; please let me know. If you have not participated before and have questions about what would be expected of you if you were to volunteer, please ask. If you have participated before and still have questions, please ask those too.\"If you are interested in helping with this event, please contact
Ralph KD1SM.