June 1 Storm and Tornadoes Summary


This summary is from ARRL WMA Section Emergency Coordinator and WECT Secretary John Ruggiero N2YHK regarding the June 1, 2011 response.

This summary is from ARRL WMA Section Emergency Coordinator and WECT Secretary John Ruggiero N2YHK regarding the June 1, 2011 response.

Hi All,

Just a quick note about the assistance that amateur radio provided during and after the recent series of tornadoes that affected the area from Westfield to Southbridge in the Western MA Section:

* SkyWarn was active and amateur radio operators assisted in gathering severe weather reports on the Mt. Tom, Paxton and other associated repeaters. Initial reports of a tornado striking Westfield were relayed to NWS via amateur radio and SkyWarn.

* Tom Doyle, N1MUV, DEC Hampden / Hampshire, and his team provided assistance to the Red Cross by staffing the Springfield Chapter and three shelters in Springfield, Monson and Brimfield.

* Tom and his team also provided assistance to several local EOCs, as well as support to RACES operations at the MEMA Regional HQ in Agawam.

* Charlie Dunlap, K1II, EC Hampden West, and his team provided assistance to Southwick and surrounding communities, as well as support to RACES operations at the MEMA Regional HQ in Agawam.

* Tim Mongeau, KB1LZF, EC Worcester, staffed the Worcester Emergency Communications Team / MEMA Region 4 Radio Room and provided assistance in gathering reports for SkyWarn.

* Amateur radio operators were present with NWS survey teams today.

* The ARRL has posted a news article about amateur radio's response on their website.

* At this time, amateur radio operations are winding down and no further requests for assistance are pending.

Thank you all for your assistance and continued support of WMA ARES!

John, N2YHK
