Two Volunteer Events on Sunday Sep. 18th 2022 Looking for Volunteers

 kc1coq    Sept 11 2022, 19:35


WECT is looking for amateur radio communications volunteers for Ride to Defeat ALS and Buzzards Bay Triathlon both on Sunday September 18th

WECT is looking for volunteers to provide amateur radio communications for two events that are happening at the SAME time on Sunday September 18th 2022. If you have any questions please email @.

Buzzards Bay Triathlon

This is a "sprint" duathlon/triathlon. The swim, bike, and run segments go through the scenic Horseneck Beach State Park and the Town of Westport. More event info at:

  • Hams will have a morning meeting at 8am
  • Depending on assignment, stations are expected to secure between 12:00 and 1:30pm
  • Amateur Radio Operators will be assigned locations along the bike & run courses and with key race organizers
  • Those who use the link below to sign up should expect an email with assignments and event details on Friday.
  • Update 9/16/2022: We are short 7 volunteers for this event. We would be happy to accept new Amateur Radio Operators up until 8am the morning of the event when the volunteer meeting starts. Please fill out the form below. Thanks to everyone who has signed up for both events so far!

Buzzards Bay DU/TRI Amateur Radio Volunteer Sign Up:

Ride to Defeat ALS

This is a low key event with the primary focus being on charity rather than racing. There are multiple bicycle courses (the longest of which is 70 miles) beginning at the Longfellow Club in Wayland. They continue through several towns with rest stops in Hudson, Bolton, Acton, Concord, and Sudbury.

  • While the event runs from 6AM to 2PM, some stations open as late as 9AM and some close as early as 11AM
  • Operators working at a course station can report directly to their station
  • We will attempt to locate you at a station closer to your home if possible
  • There will be two roving race vehicles that will require a mobile radio
  • We will have both 2m and 70cm repeaters linked for this event

Ride To Defeat ALS Amateur Radio Volunteer Sign up:
