We will be holding our next Quarterly Meeting on Wednesday February 19 at 7:00 PM in the Worcester Emergency Management center at 2 Coppage Drive in Worcester.
We will be holding our next Quarterly Meeting on Wednesday February 19 at 7:00 PM in the Worcester Emergency Management center at 2 Coppage Drive in Worcester. The meeting is for all team members and anyone interested in our team.
Our guest speaker will be Jeremy Breef-Pilz KB1REQ. Jeremy is quite knowledgeable in the different types of RF connectors that hams may encounter and recently gave a similar presentation at Boxboro.
Elections are also around the corner. This year, four positions are up for re-election: president, 2 director’s seats, and treasurer. Nominations will be accepted at the Q1 meeting, and the actual election will take place during field day (more info to come). A list of current executive board members and their term dates are available on the Executive Board page.
Hope to see you all there.