Field Day 2015


Field Day is on its way!

Field Day is on its way! Mark your calendars for June 27 and 28, 2015.

ARRL Field Day is the single most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. Each year over 35,000 amateurs gather with their clubs, friends or simply by themselves to operate. On Field Day the Worcester Emergency Communications Team will work as many other stations as possible and we will learn and practice operating in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions. Our event will be at the National Guard Building at 50 Skyline Drive in Worcester.

Our open house for the general public will be from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Saturday June 27. If you don't have an amateur radio license, please feel free to come up at that time to check out our team, station, and operation. You'll even have the opportunity to get on the air and make some contacts yourself! No sign up is required for people that don't have an amateur radio license, just come up and we'll be happy to show you around!

Director Rich Fiske from Worcester Emergency Management will be presenting a demonstration of their radio tower trailer at 1:00 PM on Saturday. He and his department will then be helping us use the trailer to deploy some of our FD antennas, up in the front parking lot. Mr. Fiske's demo will also double as our education bonus for our Field Day scoring. The trailer will be present for the entire Field Day operational period.

We will also be holding an amateur radio exam session, open to the public, at 4:30 PM on Saturday. Take the test and become a ham, or upgrade your existing license!

If you are an amateur radio licensee (regardless if you are a member of WECT or not) and would like to participate in our Field Day, please sign up using the online form. We are planning a BBQ dinner for our radio operators Saturday evening at 6:30 PM for $10/person and a breakfast Sunday morning at 8:30 AM for $6/person.

More info on the Field Day info page or email Field Day Event Coordinators Brad Miller KB1TDP and Gil Hayes WK1H.

See you at Field Day!
