Team Meeting on Feb 23


The next WECT meeting will be on Monday, February 23 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room B at 50 Skyline Drive in Worcester.

The next WECT meeting will be on Monday, February 23 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room B at 50 Skyline Drive in Worcester. Anyone interested in WECT is welcome to come.

Tom, NE1R, will be giving a presentation titled Technological changes since 1970 and implications for Amateur Radio as an emergency communications service. The presentation also includes a video about the amateur radio response to Hurricane Katrina.

Additionally, the WECT executive board has openings for the position of Secretary and Vice President. Elections will be held at this meeting. Nominations will immediately precede elections, so any members wishing to run for either of these positions must attend the meeting to accept their nomination. Any members wishing to learn more about any position should contact the Executive Board. Only full WECT members can vote in the election or be nominated for either position.

The role of the Vice President is to assist the president in their duties. The Vice President currently also coordinates recruitment and membership. The current opening is for a term expiring 6/30/16. A full description of the role is described here.

The Secretary is responsible for handling all correspondence between the Officers and Directors and the Organization. The current opening is for a term expiring 6/30/15. A full description of the role is described here.

Hope to see you there!
