The Worcester Area VE Team will be holding an amateur radio test session for all license classes: at Kaven Hall, Room 116, Worcester Polytechnic Institute on Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 6:30 PM.
The next WECT Quarterly Meeting will be on Wednesday, November 3 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room B at 50 Skyline Drive.
This coming Monday, WECT will be running some major frequency tests during the Worcester Emergency Net at 8:00 PM.
WECT Member Andy Garabedian KB1JRX is looking for a couple of people for communication help for the Grafton 275th Parade on Sunday October 3rd from 1 to 5 PM.
The Worcester Area VE Team will be holding an amateur radio test session for all license classes: at Kaven Hall, Room 116, Worcester Polytechnic Institute on Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 6:30 PM.
WMA ARES Section Emergency Coordinator and WECT Secretary John Ruggiero N2YHK is looking assistance with this season's Title 9 Women Only Sprint Triathlon in Hopkinton at the Hopkinton State Park on Sunday, September 12 from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
WTAG's Dave Russell, host of the station's Saturday Morning News program, interviewed Gil Hayes, WK1H in regards our team, our relationship with WEMD and MEMA, local and state amateur radio emcomms, and amateur radio in general.
WTAG's Dave Russell, host of the station's Saturday Morning News program, interviewed Gil Hayes, WK1H in regards our team, our relationship with WEMD and MEMA, local and state amateur radio emcomms, and amateur radio in general. The interview aired on WTAG's AM 580 and FM 94.9 stations during the August 7, 2010 edition of the program at around 6:45 AM.
Dave Russell and WTAG have graciously provided us with a copy of the interview file on MP3, which can be downloaded here.
Thanks to all those that took part in the hurricane drill last night, both at 50 Skyline Drive and those that checked in and participated on various nets from home.