Field Day

 wk1h    Jun 18 2017, 11:25


There's still time to sign up for Field Day!

There's still time to sign up for Field Day!

As per normal, our Field Day will be at 50 Skyline Drive next weekend (June 24 and 25).

City of Worcester Emergency Management Director Rich Fiske will again lend us the tower trailer like he did in 2015, giving us the ability to hang antennae high and easily.  This, of course, is contingent on the trailer being being available and not getting deployed to actually support some emergency function elsewhere.

We will be will have VEs on hand ready to give exams at virtually any time throughout the weekend.  Just ask for an exam and you shall receive!

We will be eating out this FD.  Drinks will be available but please consider putting some money in the donation can to compensate for that.

Our Field Day info page is here and our signup form is here, please check them out.  You don't need to be a WECT member to join up our Field Day effort so please forward out and invite anyone you think would like to come.

See you there!