Sutton Chain of Lights

by wk1h    Nov 11 2011, 12:21

suttonchainoflightstrolley.jpg Western MA Section Emergency Coordinator / Worcester EmComm Team Secretary John Ruggiero N2YHK is looking for about 12 amateur radio operators to assist with the Sutton Chain of Lights on Saturday December 3 from 9 AM to 5 PM. This is a town holiday festival that involves several local businesses and community activities. Amateur radio support is once again being called on to provide logistics and tracking for the trolley buses that transport patrons to and from several of the activity locations within the town. More information on the event can be viewed on the town's website.

Amateur radio volunteers will need an 440 MHz HT or mobile rig that has DCS/DPL capabilities and enough battery power to last the entire event. An antenna that is external to the trolley is highly recommended, but please note that the trolleys are made primarily of fiberglass, so magnet mount antennas will not work as designed. Duct tape or clamps are usually used to complete the setup. Also, it is suggested to dress in layers as they may be placed in a variety of temperatures throughout the day. Usually a bag lunch and drink is provided, or operators may find something to purchase to eat or drink at a stop, as well as potentially some holiday shopping.

This is one of the more fun, low key public service events in the Central MA region. It is highly recommended for any amateur radio operator but especially those with no prior public service experience.

Please contact John N2YHK for more information or to sign up.

This news item is from Worcester Emergency Communications Team